Friday, January 22, 2010

what is a soulmate?

A lot of times you typically hear people saying; "oh my god i've met the perfect girl/boy they're my soulmate."This refers to relationships and dating and whatnot. Ask yourself, does a soulmate really have to be someone you are romantically involved with?  I say no, not at all. To me a soul mate is someone who for some reason you can't put your finger on it, but you're meant to be in each other's lives. A soul mate is someone who completes you and compliments you on so many levels. From sense of humor to comfort when you need it. They are there to give you what you are missing, or to compliment your nature. Is this person someone you love? Yes. Is this person someone you have to be IN love with to complete you and compliment you? No. Life brings us so many new people into and out of our lives. The people taken out of our lives whether we just unfortunately drift apart, or worse lose someone to a sickness. The people we have drifted apart from are those we no longer need. The people taken from us due to sickness, become our angels and will always be there for us. On the topic of angels, does one really need to pass on in to the afterlife? Or could they just be right under our noses? ;) think about it...................


  1. Do you think there is only one soulmate per person? Or can a girl have many that compliment her nature and make her better?
